Sunday, November 18, 2012

More pics of the Big Island and Hilo

Representing King's College (which I didn't attend) and some old coconut milk stains on my shirt.  
South Point, Hawaii

Dead fish clothing

This sequence represents the state of my current fitness.  

This sequence is a mess.

6.0 on the landing.

Green Sand Beach

Dan.... semi-impressed

Crazy crowd

Lava pile

There used to be settlements and towns near the shore....


Sylvie muckin about on a lava pile

Fresh lava

We could pretty much touch this rainbow. 

Waipio Valley


  1. Your photos are awesome! Especially that one of Sylvie silhouetted. Not seeing how the sand is green at Green Sand Beach, though. :P

  2. So happy to see you happy! Ane & Dave

  3. You guys made it!!! Hope you found the lot you were looking for. Have a Merry Christmas on Dry land hopefully!!
