Monday, August 15, 2011

GPS Location

Hi all,

You should be able to track our location using this link:

I'm not sure if it'll work but give it a try.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Final Desolation

Well well well.... You've come back for more literary titillation.  Unfortunately this final installation before we depart may let you down a bit.  Our most recent trip wasn't totally unentertaining but it was much more low key than our journey to the Gulf Islands.

This time we went to Desolation Sound a deep water sound about 160km north west of Vancouver.  We had exactly 9 days and it takes exactly 2 days each way to travel leaving us only 5 days to enjoy.  And enjoy we did.  Warm salt water swimming, completely undeveloped lakes, clams, oysters and muscles galore.  Highlights include gently sliding the boat over a rock (we anchored over some rocks) and going for a 3 hr hike in a downpour.

We are now in our final month before departure.  Aside from our few trips I've been working fulltime on the boat, slaving away like an ancient Egyptian Slave from the slave times.  I've recently installed our SSB radio, replaced all of the standing rigging and climbed the mast about 50 times amongst other crappy yet rewarding jobs.

We're still planning to depart on Aug 31.  We'll head to Victoria and kick off from there out into the big blue.  Can't wait.

Roger, Over, Out, Say what? Good Night.

Dan, Sylvie & Ustupu

Prideaux Haven 
Shade Haven

After 2 10 hour days of motoring

Our arrival.  Feeling pretty zen I guess.

I found a clam hole that just kept giving!

Clams ma'am. 

Rocking out on the dinghy 
Still haven't mastered fishing in a manly way

Owassa Oyster Recipe